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Other publications, News, Interviews, Lectures, Links, etc.



The Jesus Hoax (2nd edition; Creative Fire Press), 2024

Panpsychism in the West (MIT Press), 2017 (revised edition)

Concepts in Critical Thinking  (ed.; Creative Fire), 2016

The Metaphysics of Technology  (Routledge), 2015

Earth Alive: Readings in Environmental Ethics  (ed.; Creative Fire), 2011

World as Sanctuary: The Cosmic Philosophy of Henryk Skolimowski  (ed.; Creative Fire), 2010

Mind That Abides: Panpsychism in the New Millennium (ed.; Benjamins), 2009          

Pursuit of Wisdom: Fundamental Concepts in Philosophy (ed.,; Creative Fire), 2009

Confronting Technology: Selected Readings and Essays  (ed.; Creative Fire), 2009


Ethics for Life: Introductory Readings and Essays  (ed.; Creative Fire), 2008


"On the present and future of panpsychism", in Consciousness and its Place in Nature (2nd ed; G. Strawson et al; 2024)

"A Great Passing: Reflections on 20 years with the Unabomber" (; June 2023)

"Panpsychism", in The Encyclopedia of Religion (Wiley; 2021).

"The soul of philosophy in a soulless age", Human Affairs (v 31, 2021).

"St. Paul, artful liar" (; May 2021).

"Creative reconstruction of the technological society", in Sustainability Beyond Technology (Oxford Univ Press, 2021)

"God as world-mind", in Panentheism and Panpsychism (Brill/Mentis, 2020)

"Panpsychism reconsidered", in Routledge Handbook of Panpsychism (2020)

"Panpsychism in the 19th century", in Routledge Handbook of Panpsychism (2020)

"Plato and the meaning of life", in The Meaning of Life and the Great Philosophers (Routledge, 2018)

"Panpsychism in History", in Consciousness (M. Velmans, ed; Routledge, 2018)

Review: Panpsychism (Oxford UP).   Journal of Consciousness Studies (v 24, #11-12, 2017)

“Plato and the problem of consciousness”, in Consciousness and the Great Philosophers (Routledge, 2017)

“Panpsychism”, Oxford UP Bibliographies Online (2016)


“Technology and human destiny”, Dark Mountain #8 (2015)


“Dualism, dual-aspectism, and the mind”, in Contemporary Dualism (Routledge, 2014)


“Ethics, eco-philosophy, and universal sympathy”, Dialogue and Universalism (vol. 23, #4, 2013)


“Hypocrisy and high treason: Why we should stay out of Syria”, Arab American News (Sept. 19, 2013)


“One vision of ecological justice”, (2013)


Review:  "Process Approaches to Consciousness," Process Studies (vol. 41, #2, 2012)


“Michigan's population loss good for the environment”, Detroit News (Jan. 13, 2011)


“Why did Finkelstein avoid Zionism questions?”, Arab American News (Jan. 29, 2011)


“Mind Space: Toward a solution to the combination problem”, in The Mental as Fundamental (Ontos Verlag, 2011)


“The man still stands: Reply to Basile”, in The Mental as Fundamental (Ontos Verlag, 2011)


“A revolutionary for our times”, in Technological Slavery (Feral House, 2010)


“Eco-philosophy in the context of world history”, in World as Sanctuary (Creative Fire, 2010)


“Whitehead and the ubiquity of mind”, Chromatikon VI, 2010


“Panpsychism in history: An overview”, in Mind That Abides (2009)


“Minds, objects, and relations: Toward a dual-aspect ontology”, in Mind That Abides (2009)


“Transcending consciousness: Thoughts on a universal conception of mind”, Journal of Consciousness Studies (vol. 16, no. 5, 2009)

“Why are we in Afghanistan?”, Arab American News (Aug. 22-28, 2009)


“Technological anarchism: Reconsidering the Unabomber”, Chromatikon V, 2009


“On the problem of the aggregate”, Chromatikon IV, 2008


Un revolutionnaire pour notre temps”, in L'Effondrement du Systeme Technologique (French edition of Technological Slavery, 2008)


“Panpsychism”, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2007)


“Divestment by U-M would help end Palestinian, Israeli suffering”, Ann Arbor News (Apr. 13, 2006, w/ B. Thomson)


Review:  "Neither Brain nor Ghost," Journal of Consciousness Studies (vol. 13, #6, 2006)


“Vote Green—and Good Riddance to the Democrats!”, Arab American News (Oct. 14, 2006)


“Realistic panpsychism: Commentary on Strawson”, Journal of Consciousness Studies (vol. 13, #10-11, 2006)


“Beyond Descartes: Panpsychism revisited”, Axiomathes (vol. 16, Dec., 2006)


“On Divesting from Israel: What every student should know”, Michigan Journal (Sep. 20, 2005)

“Panpsychism as an underlying theme in western philosophy”, Journal of Consciousness Studies (vol. 10, #3, 2003)


“To build peace, US must discard its pro-Israel bias”, Detroit News (Sep. 26, 2001)


“Schools need fewer computers, not more”, Northville Record (Mar. 9, 2000)


Review:  "Eco-Socialism or Eco-Capitalism?," World Affairs (vol. 4, #2, 2000)


“Computers are good for kids?  It's a myth”, Detroit Free Press (Oct. 9, 2000)


“Convivial communities”, Resurgence (Sep/Oct 99)


“The ethics of free trade”, in Environmental Ethics and the Global Marketplace (1998)


“Participatory chaos:  An analytic model of consciousness”, Proceedings of WFSF, Aug. 93 conf.    (1994)


“Conversion of sequences from deductive to inductive form”, Mathematics Magazine (Dec. 1993)


“Is it time for the US to disband?”, Fort Wayne Free Press (Oct-Dec 1991, w/ K. Brady)


“On the need for a course on values & ethics”, The Reporter (Dec. 13, 1988)





Immigration unsustainable, Fifth Estate, Spring 2007 

Letter (on secession), Earth First! Journal, Sep/Oct 2007        

SG's preoccupation w/ Israel makes perfect sense, Michigan Journal (UM-Dbn), Dec. 5, 2006         

Human scale "state", Fifth Estate, Fall 2005   

Letter (on US population problem), Earth First! Journal, Nov/Dec 2005        

Another look at technology issues in schools, Northville Record, Mar. 23, 2000       

Quebec should secede, Detroit Free Press, Nov. 30, 1998      

NAFTA notes, Utne Reader, Sep/Oct 1993     

A united Europe, Time, Jan. 20, 1992

Can Detroit & its suburbs come together?, Detroit Free Press, Jun. 3, 1992    

Is environmentalism our new god?, Detroit News, Jan. 23, 1991       



"Sufficiency in Organization and Management Systems".  Univ of Helsinki, May 27-31, 2024.

"The Ethics of Sustainability".  IULM, Milan, Italy, Nov 4, 2021.

"Technology and the Destruction of Art".  Teesside University, UK, Oct 26, 2021.

"Tech and Anti-Tech".  Univ of Helsinki, Oct 13, 2021.

"Creative reconstruction of the technological society".  Univ of Helsinki, Oct 5, 2020.

"Three arguments for panpsychism".  Univ of Helsinki, Sep 29, 2020.

"Is Jesus a Hoax?" (debate).  Wayne State Univ, Oct 17, 2018.

"Creative Reconstruction".  STS conference, Tampere, Finland, Jun 14, 2018.

Philosophy class, AA Huron High School, Dec. 2, 2016.        

al-Quds speech, HFC Library, Jul. 10, 2015.

"Fantasies of Evil".  UM-D Philosophy Club, Jan. 29, 2015.

“Israel/Palestine: Conflict in Context”.  UM-D Philosophy Club, Oct. 16, 2014.

al-Quds speech, Dearborn City Hall, Jul. 26, 2014.     

"Is Jesus fiction?".  UM-Dearborn, Jan. 30, 2014.

“Panpsychism in western thought”, Hope College, Holland, MI, Apr. 5, 2013.

“What we can learn from the Unabomber: On the Metaphysics of Technology”, Univ of North Texas

      (Denton, TX), Mar. 7, 2013.

“Technological skepticism: What we can learn from the Unabomber”, SXSW, Austin, TX, Mar. 8, 2013

“Technological skepticism: What we can learn from the Unabomber”, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick,

     NJ, Oct. 4, 2012.

“Nietzsche's critique of Christianity”, MSU Philosophy Club, E. Lansing, MI, Sep. 28, 2011.

“Collective consciousness and higher-order minds”, Emergence and Panpsychism Conf, Munich

     School of Philosophy, Jun. 20, 2011.

“Technological anarchism: Reconsidering the Unabomber”, VUB-Etterbeek, Brussels, May 4, 2010.

“Eco-philosophy in the context of world history”, First Intl Eco-Philosophy Conf, Pultusk, Poland,

     May 8, 2010.

"Mind space: Towards a solution to the combination problem,"  First Intl Workshop on Panpsychism,

     Univ of Vienna, May 14, 2010.

"Panpsychism, emergence, and dynamical systems", Center for Logic Studies, Univ of Gent, Belgium,

     March 2008.

"Panpsychism: A Spectrum of Views" (workshop), Toward a Science of Consciousness conference,

     Tucson, AZ, April 2008.

"State Space Dynamics and a Hylonoetic Theory of Mind", Toward a Science of Consciousness

     conference, Tucson, AZ, April 2008.

"On the pervasiveness of soul in Aristotle's metaphysics", Michael Morden Lecture, Oakland

     Univ, March 2004.

Panpsychism in western philosophy - (speech and poster session), Toward a Science of Consciousness

     conference, Tucson, AZ, April 2002.

Nonlinear dynamics and the processes of mind - (poster session), Toward a Science of Consciousness

     conference, Tucson, AZ, April 2002.

Decentralization & the design of eco-communities, 1st Schumacher Decentralist Conference, Williams,

    MA, June 1996.

Ethics of free trade, Ethics & Global Marketplace, Athens, GA, April 1995.

Participatory chaos, World Future Studies Federation, Turku, Finland, August 1993.

Eco-Ethics (by H. Skolimowski), Eco-World '92, Wash. DC, June 1992.


Other assorted items, by or about Dr. Skrbina:


New (2020) documentary on Netflix.  Dr. Skrbina is interviewed in segments 3 and 4.  Dr. David Skrbina makes the case that Christianity started as a hoax by St. Paul.


Authoritative source for academic material on panpsychism.

Good general overview of panpsychism.



"Catching Up With the Unabomber: When Does the End Justify the Means?"



Site updated:  July 2024

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