University of Helsinki, Finland (2020-23)
University of Michigan, Dearborn (2003-2018)
University of Gent, Belgium (2008)
Michigan State University (2011)
Eastern Michigan University (2006-2007)

I call on all people of conscience to stand with Palestine, and against the criminal Jewish state. I call on everyone to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel -- permanently. Through their criminal actions, they have forfeited their right to exist.
Recall the words of Martin Heidegger: "planetary master criminals" (in Trawny, Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy; 2015: 33)
Two anti-tech sites of interest:
Featured Publications
(written or edited by D. Skrbina)
Confronting Technology
The Participatory Mind
by Henryk Skolimowski
by Henryk Skolimowski
More books
coming soon
Panpsychism in the West (rev. edition)
Handbook of Panpsychism
(two chapters)
The Metaphysics of Technology
The Jesus Hoax
Expanded 2nd ed.
Technological Slavery
(revised edition)
("Letters to D. Skrbina")
The Calling
Son of God,
Son of the Sun
by Savitri Devi
Mind That Abides
Hit the button to play a Trailer for a new Netflix documentary:
Unabomber: In His Own Words
(Dr Skrbina is featured in episodes 3 & 4)
Link to the Netflix series is located HERE
Hit the button to listen to a song featuring the voice of David Skrbina
(by German Heavy Metal Band "Implore")
Track 8 - "Ecocide"
from the album Subjugate
Click on the link below for a debate at Wayne State University:
"Is Jesus a Hoax?"

David Skrbina (sker-BEE-na), PhD, was a senior lecturer in philosophy at the University of Michigan, Dearborn from 2003 to 2018. He has also taught graduate courses in Technology and Sustainability at the University of Helsinki. His areas of interest include philosophy of mind, eco-philosophy, philosophy of technology, and environmental ethics.
His most recent book is the expanded, 2nd edition of The Jesus Hoax (2023).